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Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.

Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.
(813) 879-4525

From NLP we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

Holiday Ornaments

To provide the staff of NLP time to share the holidays with their families and to re-charge their batteries, NLP is closing its offices the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. We will close on Friday, December the 23rd and reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.

From NLP we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. We appreciate your support and commitment to NLP and look forward to a very productive and successful 2017. You are all wonderful partners to us in our efforts to meet the financing needs of Florida's underserved populations and communities.

In the case of an emergency, the following staff members will be available to assist you and may be reached on their cellular telephones, as follows:

Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc
Debra Reyes, President and CEO (813) 340-5495
Carlos Rivas, Executive Vice President (813) 966-7154
Mary Fellows, Senior Vice President (813) 230-2130
Joe Goldstein, Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer (813) 892-4770
Lanie Wasserman, Senior Vice President and Senior Lender (414) 248-0673

Again, we wish you a beautiful holiday and thank you for your support.