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Neighborhood Lending Partners Logo Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.

(813) 879-4525

We are proud to participate on Mayor Castor's Affordable Housing Advisory Team

The Affordable Housing Advisory Team is one of four teams compiled to help Mayor Castor shape her vision for Tampa's future in key areas that also include workforce housing, transportation and development services. The advisory team members will collaborate on potential policy goals, priorities and strategies for 90-days.

Tamapa Flordia

Revitalization of Scattered Site Public Housing

NLP provided a $2,380,000 construction to permanent loan to help finance a major renovation of 144 units of scattered site public housing owned by the Housing Authority of the City of Cocoa in Cocoa, Florida. Built in the 1960's, the property now known as Pineda Village was starting to show its age. This is not uncommon for many housing authority properties in which there is a backlog of costly deferred maintenance.

As a result of the leadership of the Housing Authority of the City of Cocoa and Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, they were able to take advantage of HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program that allowed them to secure low income housing tax credits (LIHTC) and a more stable source of long term revenue. The result of this innovative financing structure is much nicer apartment units for residents equipped with updated kitchens and bathrooms. The older AC window units were also replaced with central air conditioning, which was a welcome change for residents, some of whom are seniors and/or have a disability.

"Despite all the obstacles of blending together financing from multiple entities which can be quite a task, everyone worked together to get the job done in a compressed time frame. Neighborhood Lending Partners were especially thorough, cordial and dependable."
- Herb Hernandez, Executive Director,Cocoa Housing Authority

NLP partnered with co-developers, The Housing Authority of the City of Cocoa and Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, JP Morgan Chase, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, and Hunt Capital on the transformation of this development.

Pineda Village properties Pineda Village properties
Pineda Village properties Pineda Village properties

Neighborhood Lending Partners of Georgia

Affordable single family housing is closer to a reality on the Atlanta Beltline's Westside Trail. The project will include a mix of 23 townhomes and condominiums in a total of four three-story buildings. The units will be built on a 1.8 acre tract near the Oakland City MARTA station. The Atlanta Land Trust is developing the property and NLP sponsored an AHP application with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta for the project. The units will be set aside for families earning 80% or less of the area median income and will provide much needed affordable housing on Atlanta's Beltline.

Atlanta Beltline's Westside Trail townhomes

NLP is a proud partner of the Community Rebuild and Restore Program

As a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Neighborhood Lending Partners is partnering with the Florida Housing Coalition to assist homeowners affected by major disasters, including Hurricane Michael. Those affected can apply for forgivable loans of up to $10,000 per household through the Community Rebuild and Restore Product. Funds can be used to correct defects or deficiencies resulting from an identified disaster that impact the habitability of the property and are not associated with repairs covered under an insurance plan.

Hurricane Michael

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Neighborhood Lending Partners, Inc.
3615 West Spruce Street
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 879-4525

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